Monday, March 11, 2013

The Trust in the Lord

  So I keep meaning to post more.  I write all sorts of things in my head....and yet none of them have made it here.  Truth be told I haven't spent any time on the computer.  If I have gotten something done, its been from my phone or ipad.  That being said, I am not even sure what to write about today.  I was reading a friend of mines blog today (again first time on computer in forever).  Her writing is very real and very funny.  I thought mine would be that way (minus the four kids she has).  I realized mine has definitely been more serious and very God focused, all of which I love.  Apparently I will have to get my funny out else where.  I have always loved to write.  Now I just need to get my writing focused.  And my life.  But for the sake of the blog, my writing.  I don't put labels on my blog or promote it on facebook or anywhere else.  I just write and if someone reads it...awesome.  I am trusting that God will guide where it needs to go.  Same with my life.
   Trust is such a hard thing for us.  As people I mean.  Especially as we get older.  When we are young, we trust any one and every one.  Until we get hurt.  So by the time we are older, you have to earn trust.  But what about God??  It is so hard for me to just put my life completely into God's extremely capable hands.  Taking that leap of faith is so hard.  Why?  Because it is unknown, because its scary, because we cant control it, because what if it doesnt work and so on and on and on.  But what if we let go of all of those "things" and just let Him lead the way.  What could we do?  What could we accomplish?  How far could we go?  Who could we help?  We will never know until we just trust God.  I struggle with this daily.  Just one example is raising my daughter.  Am I teaching her enough, am I playing with her enough, which school is the best option, what about morals and ethics and God and right and wrong, friends, and heart issues.  Is she going to be an educated well rounded compassionate understanding person?  What happens if I make the wrong decision?  This one decision effects and affects so much.  And that is just scratching the surface.  Every mom goes through this.  I want so much for her.  Why can I not just trust in the Lord and do the best I can each day?  Today I pray to be the best child of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, person I can be today.  Help me God because I cannot do it myself.  I need to learn to just trust God and listen to him.  My husband is getting so much better at this.  I am so proud of him for it.  There are times when I feel okay at it, and others I just want to flip out and cry.  Each day I have to make an effort and pray.  Do you have this type of struggle too?  Please share or if you dont, how did you get there?  Keep Calm and Trust in the Lord.

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