Friday, September 28, 2012

Another Moment

   Not too long ago, I wrote about that one moment that can change your day.  Yesterday, that one moment was a phone call.  My grandmother passed away.  My world stopped in that one moment.  We called her Meems.  She was 93 years young.  She was funny, quirky, intelligent, quick with a joke, a warm kind heart that was so big, she knew when to be serious and give encouragement and praise, she also had a million jokes and one liners.  She had more personality than I have ever seen in a "grandparent", well probably more than a lot of people I know.  She lived every day of her life.  Even the last one.  I have great comfort in knowing that she spent her finally evening on earth with some of her best friends playing games and having dinner.  Meems loved Rummikub.  If you spent more than 10 minutes with her, she would have you playing.  She also would unapologetically  whip you at it to.  Then she went home and crawled into her bed and worked on her crossword puzzle.  That is how she was found.  She prayed to go peacefully and she did.  She is with her heavenly father and her dear sweet husband.  She wanted to be with him so long ago.  They were a precious couple.  I always thought they were so very different.  She was loud, vibrant, and boisterous.  He was quiet, thoughtful, and reserved.  I loved them and still do.  Its amazing the little things that keep reminding me of her.  My sweet husband pulled out a bag, it was one she gave me.  I found a card I had been meaning to send her.  She was supposed to visit next week.  I was excited for her to see Haley.  I had asked if she would be in town in time for her dance class.  I think of how she used to make Haley crack up when she would go "Here comes wiggle, wiggle is going to get you"  and then they would both laugh.  I remember the first time she got to meet Haley.  I love and cherish the fact that she got to meet and know my daughter.  She was at my wedding.  She was apart of my life.  She was apart of my daughters life.  Her great grand mother.  I am so blessed and comforted by that.  Yes, I will grieve and miss her and I will cry.  But I know she is with Jesus, probably telling him some silly joke.  She is with her siblings and her husband.  Meems lived a full life and lived it to the fullest.  She traveled, she played, she loved, she served, she gave of herself.  She did something pretty awesome.  For each grandchild, when they turned 13, she took them on a trip.  Where ever they wanted to go and what ever they wanted to do.  There were 3 grandkids before me.  I am pretty sure all 3 of them went to New York.  I could be wrong.  I know at least 2 did.  Me...nope not New York.  I said lets take a cruise to the Bahamas.  I dont remember where or why I came up with this.  But I did.  We both loved it.  We bonded.  She still had a picture from that trip hanging in her apartment when she passed.  I will now proudly display it in my home.  I will look at it and think of that wonderful trip and that special time with just my grandmother.  Uninterrupted time with her was a special treat.  I may not have known how important it was at the time, but I do now.   She let me jump on the hotel bed.  I thought that was the best thing ever.  She let me run, play, dance, swim, snorkel, just have a great time with her.  All these years later, I still remember.  I remember visiting her house when I was younger.  She had these blocks.  If you could stack them 20 high she would give you a quarter.  I spent hours stacking those blocks.  I would watch her cook or entertain or what ever while I played with these blocks.  I think they had been around since my mom was a kid.  They definitely had history.  I asked about them once.  She was always giving her stuff away, and marking things for people.  She gave me those blocks and I just wept.  Now I watch Haley play with those same blocks.  The little things, the unexpected things mean so much to people.  She didnt know how much those blocks meant to me until I told her.  I told her she meant so much to me.  Though it had been longer than I would have liked since I talked to her, I know she knew how much I loved her.  She meant a lot to a lot of people, she also meant the world to some people.  I know she found me a star and will wink at me soon.  Charlie did.  She was my last living grandparent.  She was one of a kind.  Tonight, hug your family a little tighter, give them an extra "I love you", call that person you've been thinking about.  That may just be a moment they need.  To Meems, I love you very much.  See you in two weeks. 

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