Monday, November 12, 2012

The Lost in the Way

   Lately I keep hearing spiritual gifts and acts of service come up in all different aspects of my life.  It is with these I feel lost.  I keep praying for God to help me find my spiritual gift so I can use it how He wants me to.  I have yet to figure out what it is.  I want to serve God and live the life He has called me to do.  Yet, I feel so lost in the how to do it.  Acts of service.  Well, that can be so many things.  I am getting better with this one.  I am trying to do more in various ways.  Trying to give where I can and being more involved in church and bible study.  James, Nehemiah, Jonah are all recent bible studies I have done with the same basic message.  Live it.  Do it. 
    Well, okay then.  Its just not that easy for me.  I suppose I want someone (mainly God) to say, this is your spiritual gift and this is what I want you to do with it.  Then I can go and serve.  But since that hasn't happened yet, I do my bible study homework, I attend church, and I pray for guidance.  I think of the things I am okay at, and I wonder how they can be useful.  Sometimes, that just makes me laugh.  I don't know where the ability to sometimes decipher toddler is good, and being punctual (most of the time) doesn't really merit helping people, unless they want me to come to their house and start counting down how long they have until they need to leave to be on time, again not really useful.  My ocd can be helpful when cleaning time comes, but something tells me people want their houses set up how they want, not how I want.  One thing I have been thinking of is that *sometimes* I am good at encouraging people.  Lifting people up can be great.  Everyone has good in them.  You just need to find it.  But again, what happens at those times when I get annoyed and feel like I have said the same thing over and over again?  Those times I don't really feel all that helpful.  But I feel joy and encouragement over the fact that I am putting thought and effort into trying to figure this out.  I am working on living it and doing it.  I have faith that it will come to me, and God will point me in the direction I need to go.  For that and for Him I am thankful.  He is good and He always keeps his promises.  Maybe I am not the only one who feels this way.  If you know your spiritual gift, would you mind sharing it with me in the comments and how you use it.  I would love to know that ways God is using that special gift you have.  If you are not sure of your gift, keep praying and have faith. 

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